Hello GGC!!
  • admin
  • November 14, 2019
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It’s here! My first official showing, and my quiet debut! It’s super tiny but I’m excited to finally show my projects to the world. Or at least, the wonderful people at Geek Girl Con 2019. I only wish I could be there to see and talk with everyone, but I hope at least some enjoy…

Almost there!
  • admin
  • February 2, 2019
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I thought I was really super close to being ready but then I went to the mobile version and it’s all blurry. So I have to fix that. BUT! As soon as that’s fixed!…..it’ll probably still be a few days while I gather the courage to actually do this. xD

Here we go again
  • admin
  • January 26, 2019
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New year, renewed motivation! It’s time to stop dragging my feet (and letting the holidays stall me) and get back on track to making this a real thing. I’m working a bit each day to get everything up on the site so the selection isn’t so sparse, and hopefully by a date I’m too skiddish…

With a whisper
  • admin
  • October 31, 2018
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The site is up and ready for business! Not the debut I’d hoped, but it’s functional and I’m happy with it. More pieces and (better) pictures are forthcoming, but for now: enjoy the sights, peruse, and let me know what you think. Welcome to the Maillery!

Just keep swimming
  • admin
  • October 23, 2018
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Merchandise pics are slowly going up! Soon I’ll even arrange things so people can even buy them! Few more days until the official debut and I’m freaking out, but it’ll work. I’m pretty sure…..

Close enough!
  • admin
  • October 14, 2018
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Alright, it’s not everything I dreamed of and more, but the general layout is good and for a time crunch first time setup, I like it. Soon I’ll even have things to put on it and won’t that be exciting!

Hold please…..
  • admin
  • October 14, 2018
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Still figuring this whole website thing out.