Nel Everwood
Engineer, Aerialist, Mailler, Gamer, Tinkerer

Just who is the woman behind the rings? Well, I’m Nel and I am all the things listed above and more (I like to think). I’m a transplant to Seattle and by day I live the cubicle life where I engineer stuff, problem solve, and generally get to figure out how to make things work – and then fill out whole forests of paperwork about every step of the process.

But by night! Oh ho, by night – I….am actually still kind of boring. I spend more time than I’d like working out, but it lets me eat more without having to eventually buy new clothes, which I call a win. Though if my workout is aerial silks, I’m a happy camper; it is the coolest workout ever and is so much better than going and lifting weights, trust me I am a certified Person Who Works Out and I am right. But when I’m NOT working out, I’m finding new chainmaille projects I’d love to try and thinking of ways to be creative with the ones I have – to the point where I occasionally am overwhelmed with too many ideas and instead go binge on tv shows to try and ignore everything for a while. It’s very productive, I assure you. Gaming is my biggest escape though, and I can easily lose entire days to it if I’m not careful (if you don’t look up from gaming every once in a while and wonder where you are and what year it is, are you even doing it right??).

TL;DR – I’m basically just a nerd: I read, I watch too much tv, I play too many video games, I do the science, I make chainmaille. I also work out, in the air whenever possible.